Moyne/Templetuohy GAA

Founded 1887

Co. Tipperary

Weekly update

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Weekly update
Junior mid title: Pride of place this week goes to our Junior hurlers who beat Drom Inch in the race for the mid hurling league title last Thursday.  Well done to all involved.

Lotto: our jackpot will be €3,400 next Thursday. The 6 winners of our lucky dips were Louis Everard, Donie Troy, Murty Ryan, Frances Ryan, John Sweeney and Liam Stapleton.

Tipperary hurling: Sunday’s match v Clare brought Tipp’s involvement in the Munster hurling championship to an end however it has to be said that it was fantastic to see Gearóid and Conor representing their families and club so well at the highest level. They are an inspiration to all the young, and not so young, players in our club. Well done lads!

Ladies football : Underage training continues this week.
Best of luck to the U12s who play Thurles Gaels in Templetuohy at 7.30 on Monday.
Hard luck to the u14s who played Thurles Sars on Saturday evening, training continues this week.
Hard luck also to the Junior D's who lost the League Semi Final to Brian Borus on Sunday evening in Golden. Junior training resumes this week.

Juveniles: Our U7’s had a super night in Drom on Friday last, competing in a football blitz against Drom & Inch and Thurles Gaels. Well done to all the boys and girls!
U11’s had a ‘Go Games’ hurling match against Gortnahoe Glengoole. All the boys and girls performed really well. Thanks to all who came to support.

U15’s had a really competitive hurling challenge against Kiladangan GAA in Templetuohy this morning. Thanks to Kiladangan for travelling over! Championship will be commencing in the coming weeks so it is very important that all players attend training sessions each week from now on.

Well done to Liam Cleere who was part of the Colaiste Mhuire Co Ed team who won the All County Rockwell U14 tournament earlier this week.

Moyne-Templetuohy were also well represented on a county level with Jack Reddan, Leo Cleere and Conor Campion playing with the U16 Tipperary Football panel and Liam Cleere with the u14 Mid/North panel.  Keep up the good work lads!!!

Reminder: Summer Skills Camp takes place in Templetuohy, Wed 26th June to Fri 28th June. Click the link to book your child’s place.

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