The time for payment of membership for u17’s, u19’s, u21’s, seniors and any non-playing members is now due and is now available to pay through our app.
Simply press the Clubhouse icon on the bottom left of the screen in ClubZap and you will be brought to the above screen. When you tap on membership you will see the options for the various players and non-players. You can then tap the blue Add member button and fill in the details.
It is very important for under age players to pay the membership for their first age group e.g. a player who is u17 but also on the u19 panel should only pay the u17 membership. Likewise any players who are u15 and u17 should pay the u15 membership which is not payable on the app but to the juvenile club directly.
It is also vital that players pay as soon as possible as training will resume very shortly and we want to ensure all players are registered and insured before that begins.
Anyone wishing to pay cash for their membership can of course do this by giving it to any committee member or leaving an envelope with your name clearly marked in it to Guilfoyle’s shop.
For anyone who hasn’t the app downloaded it is also possible to pay on the link below. Any queries please don’t hesitate to contact us for help.